Sanborn Fire Insurance Maps for 1885 USA - Digital Format on 250 CDs

Item TB285 

This Item was Sold on 16 January 2013 for $154

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Historical Pricing information for this item and similar artifacts can be found at: Historical Artifact Prices.

This item is a collection of approximately 250 CDs, each loaded with hundreds (thousands) of high resolution scalable TIFF files showing maps produced by the Sanborn Map and Publishing Company, in 1885. These CDs contain detailed maps of almost every city and town in the entire United States of America in 1885. The CDs are in new condition. Each is in a protective sleeve and is identified as being manufactured by Proquest. Each CD has the region ( i.e. Southern Minnesota Reels 10-14) printed on it. I think that all CDs are included in this collection, but I did not go through and arrange all of the CDs in order by state. This set of CDs is perfect for anyone who is interested in American history in 1885 or is looking for historical information for their community. A very nice set that is fun to go through.

Weight is approximately 12 Pounds

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