Noncommercial Boomerang Web Pages

updated: 22 February 2020

This web page has links to general information about boomerangs that is noncommercial and has useful information for craftsmen, throwers, collectors and hobbyists.

North America

Pat Steigman has a nice web page with a photo gallery of the strip laminated, lap joint and plywood boomerangs that he has madVisit the Steigman Boomerang Bag today. Pat has also established a Youtube Boomerang Video Archives with dozens of historical videos.


 Gunter Wandtke has posted a web page for the Boomerang Throwing Association of NSW in Sydney.

Pierre Kutek (France) has posted a wonderful memorial web page honoring Art & Les Janetzki and their boomerangs



Andrea Ganzera has posted the Motorang website, with a small, but nice gallery of his boomerangs. Also has downloads, links, FAQs, etc.


Fast Herm's Boomerang Pages - Herman Peeters has created this home page with links and pictures of his boomerang collection. Nicely done.

Czech Republic

Michal Vejlupek has posted a rather comprehensive blog website called SportBumerang. This website has a tremendous amount of information about competition events in the Czech language.


Ulf Valentin has a wonderful U. V. Lightrangs web page with links to a photo gallery, games and software.


The France Boomerang Federation is a wonderful source for information.about boomerangs.

Pierre Kutek has posted a web page depicting his unusual composite boomerangs as well as a page with boom links. This site also has a set of +300 boomplans in a .rar format to download. Check out Pierre's web page showing Georgi Dimantchev's competition boomerangs and a special web page honoring Art & Les Janetzki and their boomerangs. Visit Pierre's gallery of art boomerangs by Pat Cardiff and natural elbows by Jay Butters. Also, for competition throwers who like to modify their own triFlys, visit Pierre Kutek's triFly web page site.

Boomerang Passion - a huge site where you can discover the boomerang, read instructions about throwing, making (more than 150 plans are available) and decorating. You'll find boomerang news (competitions, records), a directory of 130 sites about boomerang, many free downloads, a newsletter, and a FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions).

Amiel Arnaud has published web pages with instructions for making a Cardboard Boomerang, a CD Boomerang. and an Origami Boomerang


Hagü Nikolayczyk and Heinz Willi Dammers are producing an internet based boomerang magazine, issued 4 times a year with 32 pages in color. The newsletter is in German. For more information, please visit Boom Zone Newsletter.

Oli Thienhaus has posted a web page for the mighty World Champion Young Guns Boomerang Team.


Boemerang NLR is a Dutch webpage maintained by Martijn Koolloos, who works in the National Aerospace Laboratory of Nederland. Of special interest is the Megarang , a 1.20m giant boomerang made in composite carbon / polystyren by Bart Harkema.


The Boomerang E Lanci Firenze is a small web page with information about the different competition events in Italian. 


B AGGRESSiVE - An excellent web page dedicated to the long distance event. This site was constructed by Lorenz Gubler and Tibor Horvath of Switzerland.



The Flying Boards is a web page hosted by the International Juggling Organization titled: "Flying Boards Travel East with Dai Shucheng." This Chinese juggler is a master who can keep several multi-bladers flying at the same time.

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