This web page contains contact information for Ted Bailey at

email address:

Telephone: (734)-971-2970

This phone number is in the Eastern Time Zone. Call anytime between 8 AM and 10 PM, 7 days a week. The best time to reach me is 8 AM - 9 AM or in the evening (after sundown). I am available a significant percentage of the day, but I frequently leave to go to the post office or to test throw boomerangs. Please leave a message if I am not at home. I will return your call as soon as I return. It is much better to send me an email message. I check my email several times each day unless I am on travel.

Postal Mailing Address:
(also for UPS/Fed-Ex)
Ted Bailey
3245 Edgewood Drive
Ann Arbor, MI 48104-5105

If you are sending me a check or money order to pay for boomerangs or antiquities, please make the check or MO payable to Ted Bailey. (Do not make the check or MO payable to Flight Toys or or bailey boomerangs or anything except for Ted Bailey.)