Aboriginal Hunting Boomerang from Western Australia

Item K92  

This Item was Sold on 22 January 2022 for $140

Similar artifacts for sale are often found on the Aboriginal Hunting Boomerangs web page.

Historical Pricing information for this item and similar artifacts can be found at: Historical Artifact Prices.

This hunting boomerang, or throwstick, was made out of a dense desert hardwood. This hardwood has blonde edges like Mulga, but the color is not as dark. I acquired this boomerang in 2001 from an artifact dealer in Perth, Western Australia. This collector said it was made in the Kimberly region of Western Australia in the 1920s or 1930s. One end of the upper surface is decorated with Aboriginal style line and dot art that is more common in the Kimberly region. The other end is not decorated and it has a smooth polished surface. The lower surface has an adze pecked texture, usually found in Western Australia. There is heavy adze texturing on the same end as the decorated upper surface. The other end has shallow texturing. There are a few minor edge chips, but this is not damage. It is usually found on adze textured boomerangs because the adze will remove small amounts of material from the edges. A very nice example of a hunting boomerang from this region of Australia.

Length = 56 cm ; Weight = 288 gm

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