Native American Lithic Point Reproduction by Dink Logan

Item BR39 

This item was sold on 29 November 2006 for $50

Similar artifacts for sale are often found on the Lithic Artifact Reproductions web page. 

Historical Pricing information for this item and similar artifacts can be found at: Historical Artifact Prices.

This reproduction of a Native American spear point was made by Gerald (Dink) Logan of Gilbertown, Alabama. This point is a reproduction of an early or mid-Archaic period point and is signed. The material is Tallahatta Quartzite. Quarries in the area where Dink Logan lives were so extensively exploited by Indians centuries ago that waste flakes are, in places, two to three feet deep. Tallahatta Quartzite is found in Choctaw and Clark Counties, Alabama and in Louderdale, Mississippi. Because it is brittle, the Quartzite is difficult to knap into points as long as this one. It was purchased from Dink Logan in 1992. Length = 118 mm ; Weight = 40 gm

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